Nau mai, Haere mai
Welcome to Gate Pā School

Gate Pā School is a special place committed to the well-being and learning of every child. 

Our school's vision ‘Empowering Rangatira to Value The Past To Create The Future' ensures that in building a bright future, we look first to the past and its people. This vision together with a 'lived' set of values makes Gate Pā School a place where all learners feel safe to thrive.
A team of dedicated professionals and high quality facilities, support all our students to develop the values, knowledge, and skills that will enable them to live full and satisfying lives.
We value home-school partnerships and look forward to working with you to provide your child with the best possible educational experience.

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Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa.
Warm greetings to you all,

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to Gate Pā School. A school which prides itself on nurturing the uniqueness of every child. 

There is something special about Gate Pā School; warmth and acceptance are felt on arrival. This may be because of the high value we place on parent-whanau connections, and the rich history of our area which reinforces the need for compassion and understanding.

Student well-being and learning are central to all our decisions. We believe that when students are happy and feel a sense of belonging they thrive. A culture of high expectations for learning and behaviour exists. This, together with a team of highly skilled staff, support every student to be the very best they can be.

We are immensely proud of the cultural diversity of Gate Pā School and take every opportunity to embrace and celebrate the histories and traditions of all students.

We treasure the unique place of Māori and all students have the opportunity to develop te reo and tikanga. We also offer both Māori immersion and bilingual education. Our kura works closely with a thriving early childhood immersion option - Te Puna Reo o Pukehinahina.

Gate Pā School is a special place, committed to the well-being and learning of every child. Come and see for yourself.

Call in or phone the office for an appointment, we’d love to meet you.

Nau mai, haere mai.
Rochelle Jensen

Term Dates 2025

Term 1

Monday 3rd February - Friday 11th April


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Important Dates:

School Starts Monday 3rd February

Waitangi Day - Thursday 6th February (School Closed)

Meet the Teacher - Thursday 20th February

Whānau BBQ- Thursday 6th March - 3:30-5pm

Staff Only Day - Wednesday 12th March (School Closed)

Term 2

Monday 28th April - Friday 27th June


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Important Dates:

Learner Led Conferences - Thursday 15th May

Kings Birthday - Monday 2nd June (School Closed)

Matariki - Friday 20th June (School Closed)


Term 3

Monday 14th July - Friday 19th September


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Important Dates:

Staff Only Day - Monday 18th August (School Closed)

Learner Led Conferences - Tuesday 16th September


Term 4

Monday 6th October - Tuesday 16th December


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Important Dates:

Labour Day - Monday 27th October (School Closed)

Tuesday 16th December - School finishes at 12pm


Gate Pā School Hours


School hours update August 2024.svg

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Rochelle Jensen
Position: Principal /Tumuaki
Class: -


Deputy Principal

Whaea Ari Reedy
Position: Deputy Principal
Class: -


Leader of Learning Support

Kat Gilbert-Tunney
Position: Leader of Learning Support
Class: -


Leader of Learning

Ann-Marie Morris
Position: Leader of Learning (Literacy)
Class: -


Karewa / Senior Syndicate

Kimberlie Cording
Position: Team Leader / Classroom Teacher
Class: Room 15
Flynn Henderson
Position: Classroom Teacher
Class: Room 14
Olivia Amundsen
Position: Classroom Teacher
Class: Room 13
Yolanda Bennett
Position: Classroom Teacher
Class: Room 12


Taumata-Ōhane / Junior Syndicate

Amanda Donald
Position: Team Leader / Classroom Teacher
Class: Room 6
Sandra Sells
Position: Classroom Teacher - New Entrant
Class: Room 1
Sherry Streiff
Position: Classroom Teacher
Class: Room 3
Rori Baird
Position: Classroom Teacher
Class: Room 4
Erica Smith
Position: Classroom Teacher
Class: Room 5
Everdt Venecourt
Position: Classroom Teacher
Class: Room 7


Kopurererua / Māori Medium

Whaea Jess Horne
Position: Team Leader / Kaiako - Bilingual
Class: Room 11
Whaea Raman Kaur
Position: Kaiako - Bilingual
Class: Room 10
Whaea Kuini Mareroa
Position: Kaiako - Bilingual
Class: Room 8
Whaea Christina Teariki
Position: Kaiako - Rumaki
Class: Whare Reo Tuakana
Whaea Nadia Wihapi-Perkins
Position: Kaiako - Rumaki
Class: Whare Reo Teina
Whaea Laura Simpson
Position: Kaiako - Rumaki (part time)
Class: Whare Reo Teina



Katherine Bremner
Position: Music and Digital Tech Specialist Teacher
Class: -
Amanda Marshall
Position: Art Specialist Teacher
Class: -
Sarah Strahan
Position: Release Teacher
Class: -
Ellen Baker
Position: Release and ORS Teacher
Class: -
Kerri Friar
Position: Resource Teacher of Literacy
Class: -
Mireia Tenas
Position: ESOL Teacher
Class: -
Michael Leigh
Position: Sports Co-ordinator
Class: -
Renee Sheridan
Position: Social Worker in Schools (SWIS)
Class: -
Rebekah Staples
Position: Social Worker in Schools (SWIS)
Class: -


Learning Support

Stacey Bakker
Position: Lead Learning Assistant
Class: -
Carmen Munro
Position: Learning Assistant, Garden to Table and Librarian
Class: -
Sheralee Ward
Position: Learning Assistant and Garden To Table
Class: -
Ria Te Kani
Position: Learning Assistant
Class: -
Katrena Alexander
Position: Learning Assistant
Class: -



Tayla Kendrick
Position: Office Manager
Class: -
Emma Graham
Position: Accounts Manager
Class: -
Andy Phillips
Position: Attendance Officer / IT Support
Class: -


Grounds Staff

Jess Danby
Position: Property Manager and Van Driver
Class: -
Jared Williams
Position: Caretaker
Class: -


Board of Trustees (BOT)

Gate Pā School’s Board of Trustees are elected for a three year term. The BOT comprises of five parent representatives, the Principal, and a representative of the staff. Meetings are held twice a term. Parents/whanau are welcome to attend any of the meetings. Please contact the school office for a schedule of meeting times.


Board of Trustees

Tania Cook
Portfolio: Presiding Member (Chairperson)
Email: -
Rochelle Jensen
Portfolio: Principal
Email: -
Sherry Streiff
Portfolio: Staff Representative
Email: -
Kelvin Kuka
Portfolio: Parent Representative
Email: -
Niomi Laugesen
Portfolio: Parent Representative
Email: -
Natalie Davies
Portfolio: Parent Representative
Email: -
Amanda Marshall
Portfolio: Parent Representative
Email: -
Tayla Kendrick
Portfolio: Secretary
Email: -


Our Charter, Policies and Annual Report


Strategic Plan 2023-2025  Arrow 1.svg
Annual Report 2023 Arrow 1.svg

All our school policies and procedures are available for you to view online.

Families and whānau are welcome to review and provide feedback on our policies and procedures.


To view policies:

1. Go to
2. Click 'Search for your school'
3. Start typing the school’s name and select it from the dropdown list.
4. Enter your community username and password.
Username: gatepa
Password: gatepa