Netball - Poitarawhiti
Playing times on Saturday are only an indication and will depend on the number of team registrations and our ability to fit all teams on 19 courts in one-time slot.
Please note that if we will only cancel due to severe weather conditions that pose a Health & Safety risk. All cancellations will be posted on the website, Facebook and emailed to co-ordinators. Please note there are NO BACK UP DATES. If games are cancelled, all teams receive 0 points and games will not be replayed. This may affect Year 6 teams going into semi-finals.
Cancellations times:
- Saturday 9am Future Ferns Years 1-4
- Saturday 11am Future Ferns Years 5&6
Five (5) players constitute the minimum number for a playing team. Defaults are of concern and SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. It is extremely frustrating and inconvenient for both the centre and non-offending teams. Teams need to be more committed and must take every effort to field a team week in and week out for the duration of the competition. Regulation changes have been made to make this easier for teams to abide by. Any defaults that are not reported at least 24hours prior to the start of game day will be fined $30. This will be invoiced to the school.
Uniform and Dress Code
The playing uniform of a school must be approved and registered. A school team may not change their uniform without the approval of TNC.
Correct Netball Uniform is to be worn by all teams at all times during play.
Players are not permitted to wear coloured stockings, rugby socks, skivvies or bike pants that hang below the uniform. Players need to set an example and take pride in the uniform they wear and the club/team they represent.
Players will be allowed to wear a black long sleeve thermal top under their uniform.
Dispensation may be approved for any medical issues. Approval must be sought from TNC management.
Jewellery, Fingernails and Hair
As per rule 5.1.1 (iv) of the Rules of Netball:
Players may not wear anything that could endanger themselves or other players, specifically:
a) No adornment or jewellery may be worn other than a wedding ring which must be covered with tape
b) A medical alert bracelet may be worn provided it is covered with tape
c) Fingernails must be short and smooth
d) Hair must be suitably tied back
Changing Goal Ends
Year 5 and 6 teams change goal ends after half time.
Rotation is Compulsory
It is the responsibility of the coach to ensure all players are rotated. Rotations are made at the end of each quarter of play. All players are on the court for at least half a game and must be given the opportunity to play and develop in all six/seven positions. Please refer to Future fern information on our website
To avoid any confusion Netball New Zealand recommends a size 4 netball for Year 5 & 6, but a size 5 netball is also acceptable
Team Tauhou - Year 1 & 2
League Dates:
Saturdays 18th June, 2nd, 9th, 30th July, 6th 13th 20th 27th August, 3rd September
*No Games 4th, 25th June - Queen's Birthday & Matariki weekends, 16th and 23rd July.
**If games are cancelled due to weather, both teams receive 0 points and the game is not played later
Sunday 7th August - Cost: Free
Game Location:
Blake Park - start times between 10:30am – 12:30pm
About the Game:
Introduces Netball to 5 - 6-year olds. The aim is to develop fundamental movement
and ball skills.
The game that follows the preceding skill session is played on one
third of a full-sized court, by teams of four, with the emphasis on equal participation.
Teams do not require an umpire but must have a coach or manager on
court at all times who can support and guide the team throughout the game.
Team List:
Ava Bidois
Carlene Dangen-Peterson
Kera Rangitaawa
Mackenzie Tau
Paeton Ruddell
Samara Martin
Coach : Kim Rennie
Training: During school time when Whaea Kim is free
Game TImes:
Team Ngaio - Year 3 & 4
League Dates:
Saturdays 18th June, 2nd, 9th, 30th July, 6th 13th 20th 27th August, 3rd September
*No Games 4th, 25th June - Queen's Birthday & Matariki weekends, 16th and 23rd July.
**If games are cancelled due to weather, both teams receive 0 points and the game is not played later
Thursday 28th July - Cost: TBC
Sunday 7th August - Cost: Free
Game Location:
Blake Park - start times between 10:30am – 12:30pm
About the Game:
The focus for this age group is learning basic skills in a modified game of 5-a-side, using two-thirds of a Netball court.
The game is designed to be fast and fun, maximising participation
Five players in each team and rotating positions ensures everyone gets an equal chance to develop their skills.
Teams do not require an umpire but must have a coach or manager on court at all times who can support and guide the team throughout the game.
Team List:
Ailani Rarere
Nicole Kuka
Te Aio Te Aotonga
Azalia Wallace
Miyha Tau
Hailey Harrison
Rema-Rae Guthrie
Coach: Whaea Raiha
Training: Wednesday 3pm, School Front Court
Game Times:
Team Koromiko - Year 5
League Dates:
Saturdays 18th June, 2nd, 9th, 30th July, 6th 13th 20th 27th August, 3rd September
*No Games 4th, 25th June - Queen's Birthday & Matariki weekends, 16th and 23rd July.
**If games are cancelled due to weather, both teams receive 0 points and the game is not played later
Thursday 28th July - Cost: TBC
Sunday 7th August - Cost: Free
Game Location:
Blake Park - start times between 1:30pm – 2:30pm
About the Game:
Netball continues to be modified for this age group. Players rotate to prevent early specialisation in positions.
The emphasis is on all players getting plenty of touches of the ball and the opportunity to develop a broad skill set. The game is played on a full-size court with lowered goal posts and is played 6 v 6
Playing time is 4 x 10-minute quarters, 2 minutes at the quarter breaks and the half time break. All timing is controlled by TNC on a central timer.
Teams are required to provide an umpire. It is the responsibility of the teams to fulfil this requirement every week.
Please be reminded any verbal confrontations with umpires will not be tolerated. Team captains may approach the Umpire for clarification at quarter/half time.
Team List:
Ayla Daniels
Charleigh Spain
Latoya Greig-Butler
Ariella Marshall
Tatum-Lee Guthrie
Alani Hartley
Hope Williams
Mahalia Papara
Coach: Whaea Manda
Training: Thursday 3:30pm, School Front Court - Students can wait by office until 3:30pm
Game Times:
Team Te Hokioi - Year 6
League Dates:
Saturdays 11th, 18th June, 2nd, 9th, 30th July, 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th August, 3rd, 17th, 24th September
*No Games 4th, 25th June - Queen's Birthday & Matariki weekends, 16th and 23rd July.
**If games are cancelled due to weather, both teams receive 0 points and the game is not played later
Sunday, 31st July
Thursday, 11th August
Sunday, 21st August
Game Location:
Blake Park - start times between 1:30pm – 2:30pm
About the Game:
Year 6 grading will take place on Saturday 11th June 2022 and be a tournament starting in the morning.
Netball continues to be modified for this age group. Players rotate to prevent early specialisation in positions.
The emphasis is on all players getting plenty of touches of the ball and the opportunity to develop a broad skill set. The game is played on a full-size court with lowered goal posts and is played 6 v 6
Playing time is 4 x 10-minute quarters, 2 minutes at the quarter breaks and the half time break. All timing is controlled by TNC on a central timer.
- 5 weeks of round robin play
- Regrading between sections
- Transition to 7 aside netball next round on 13th August
- Further 5 weeks of round robin play
- Saturday 17th September 2022 – All Year 6 games will be played in the morning (Please check draw)
- Semi-finals and Finals on 24th September - Expect changes to game times
Teams are required to provide an umpire. It is the responsibility of the teams to fulfil this requirement every week.
Please be reminded any verbal confrontations with umpires will not be tolerated. Team captains may approach the Umpire for clarification at quarter/half time.
Team List:
Amyjane Undersen-Watts
Jaxson Reeves
Khloe Kuka
Bethany Hartley
Maylene Tau-Keepa
Sheila-Maria Williams
Amaliya Tarawa
Devynei Rewi-Wolff
Teata Hohaia-Ikimotu
Amie Savatdy
Journey Wilson
Coach: Whaea Hayley and Whaea Maylene
Training: Wednesday 1:45pm, School Front Court
Year 6 Grading Tournament
11th June 2022